Monday, 12 March 2012


Today, I am going to talk about porn. Yes, porn. Avert your eyes, little ones!

Actually, I'm not going to talk about porn, but rather sex, and its effect on relationships. Everyone knows sex doesn't really matter when it comes to love, right? While that may be true, and your relationship might be just as strong without a great, mind-blowing sex life, you can't deny the effects good sex has on your relationship. And if you could, you probably have a really bad sex life. (If that pisses you off... well, the truth is hard to face, huh?)

Either way, I could probably make a drab list of things that get improved, but that's too specific. Sex makes every area of your life better. It's an upward spiral - you do something awesome outside the bedroom, it carries in. And then what happens inside the bedroom, the feeling carries out. The feeling causes something positive to happen, that carries back into the bedroom, and you get the idea. Unless your partner is that bad at sex, it generally makes your life better. It puts you in a better mood. Not like drug highs or anything (although you can experience things in the bedroom similar to drug highs), but just in general a better mood. And that shows. Your skin practically glows your satisfaction. (Here, see? Look at my skin. Look at my skin, bro. No, seriously. Look at my skin.)

So, to give you a better idea of what it does, let's imagine a scenario. I won't go into too much detail for the people who are squeamish about sex (I used to be). Imagine a night of romance, candlelit dinner, rose petals on the bed, the whole deal. You finish dinner, share a kiss - which quickly turns into an outright lip lock - and he leads you into the bedroom (or she leads you, some women can feel dominant). You share a night of passion, the climax is outright euphoria. Then the next morning comes, you grin at each other remembering the night before. Have breakfast, share another kiss, and it's off to work you both go until the evening. (Or potentially just one of you.) You do much better at work today, for some reason, and near the end of the day, your boss calls into his office... and gives you a pay raise.

How could that day get any better? Now, the last part doesn't always happen the day after good sex, and perhaps the scenario is slightly exaggerated for those who have an "alright" sex life, but after a night of good sex, you can imagine some good feeling, can't you? And it follows you everywhere.

You might be wondering now why I'm writing this. I'll leave that to your imagination.

So what about you guys? Do you have an okay sex life? Is it mind-blowing? Or is just... "blah?" Are there reasons you would or would not have sex? Comments encouraged!

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